Address Council nominee

Dr. Philip Smith



Dr. Philip Smith


Cisco Systems



Postal Address

#8/80 Albert Street, Brisbane 4000, Australia

Biographical information

Philip Smith has been with Cisco Systems for almost five years. He is part of the Internet Architectures Group under CTO Consulting Engineering. His role includes working with many ISPs in the Asia Pacific region, specifically in network design, configuration, scaling and training.

He is chair of APNIC's Routing SIG and APNIC's IX SIG, co-chair of APOPS, the Asia Pacific Operators forum, as well as a member of the APRICOT Executive Committee and APRICOT Program Committee. He plays a prominent role in the global Internet, being active with in NANOG, the RIPE community, as well as helping with developments in Africa. He recently co-authored a book on the Internet "Cisco ISP Essentials" designed at assisting developing ISPs get the most from their router equipment and teaching the good design principles used in the established Internet.

Prior to joining Cisco, he spent 5 years at PIPEX (now part of UUNET's global ISP business), the UK's first commercial Internet Service Provider. He was one of the first engineers working in the commercial Internet in the UK, and played a key role in building the modern Internet in Europe.

Motivation for nomination

It is very important for the ongoing development of the Internet that individuals with the experience and understanding of the day to day issues facing the Internet are able to support such a critical function as the ASO Address Council. Philip believes he has the depth and breadth of experience to make a real difference to some of the issues facing the AC at this stage in the Internet's development, especially with the huge progress in developments being made in the Asia Pacific region, clearly the part of the world which leading the pushing forward of the boundaries as we know them. The Asia Pacific region needs a strong voice, and there is no better person to represent the region's needs.

Nominated by

Name of nominating individual

Srinivasarao Mulugu


Puretech Inc.



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