IANA IPv4 pool less than 10%

Less than 10% of IPv4 Addresses Remain Unallocated, says Number Resources Organization.

AMSTERDAM – The Number Resource Organization (NRO), the official representative of the five Regional Internet Registries (RIRs) that oversee the allocation of all Internet number resources, announced today that less than 10% of available IPv4 addresses remain unallocated.

This small pool of existing IP addresses marks a critical moment in IPv4 address exhaustion, ultimately impacting the future network operations of all businesses and organizations around the globe.

“This is a key milestone in the growth and development of the global Internet,” noted Axel Pawlik, Chairman of the NRO. “With less than 10 percent of the entire IPv4 address range still available for allocation to RIRs, it is vital that the Internet community take considered and determined action to ensure the global adoption of IPv6,” said Mr Pawlik.

With so few IPv4 addresses remaining, APNIC and the NRO is urging all Internet stakeholders to take immediate action by planning for the necessary investments required to deploy IPv6.

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