Event wrap: IGF MAG meeting

Published on:Friday,30 May 2014

The Internet Governance Forum's Multistakeholder Advisory Group (MAG) met inParis, France from 19 - 21 May to continue preparations for the IGF 2014annual meeting scheduled for Istanbul, Turkey in September.

The MAG, whose members are appointed by the Secretary-General of the United Nations, includes representatives from government, civil society, the private sector, and the technical community. The MAG is responsible for developing the program of each IGF meeting.

APNIC's Paul Wilson attended as an appointed MAG nominee from the technical community, with other MAG members from the technical community including Izumi Okutani from JPNIC and Paul Rendek from RIPE NCC. There were more than 130 participants.

Highlights of the meeting included:

  • Updates were heard on preparations for the 9th IGF, scheduled for 2 - 5 September in Istanbul.
  • The MAG completed its evaluation of 224 workshop proposals and selected 78 for inclusion in the program of the 2014 IGF. This activity consumed nearly the entire meeting.
  • A group was formed to look at options for improving IGF outputs, as proposed by NETmundial and by an earlier report on improvements to the IGF from the UN Commission on Science and Technology for Development.
  • Representing the NRO, Paul attended an IGF donors meeting where there were positive reports that the IGF will receive increased funding support in the coming year. A Friends of the IGF Fund was also proposed.

Newly appointed MAG Chair, Ambassador Janis Karklins, has issued a call for information on important decisions or actions taken as a result of IGF discussions. Responses are due by 30 June 2014.

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